Nathan Cotell and Kazz Leskard in TITUS. Photo: Bold Rezolution Studio.
BLOOD, GORE, DISMEMBERMENT… Made you look!... NOW IMAGINE IT ALL SET TO MUSIC. Shakespeare’s grisliest play is transformed into its giddiest musical, exploring why violence is so darn entertaining.
Young William Shakespeare wants a hit. After cutesy romances and sweeping histories, the young bard is attempting to fold together another blockbuster. He bemoans that no one seems to care for his Titus Andronicus! It seems the violence is not what people want – or at least they won’t admit it. Perhaps it just needs to be presented a little more lightly and delightfully? What could possibly improve murder and mayhem better than singing and dancing? And make it funny – add jokes, some slapstick, a little irony, and of course some play on words. Yes, people love a comedy!
More than a parody; more than an adaptation – it’s a bloody grand time!
14 and up, Coarse Language, Sexual Content, Violent Content
Half-price performance: Thursday, September 10 at 8:00pm
This is a Fringe Festival production, so times vary by day - check ticket link for details.