FAME: The Musical follows a vibrant, eclectic group of young people who fight their way into coveted spots at New York City’s High School of Performing Arts. It’s 1984, four years after FAME the hit film has made the school famous. The grit and the pulse of the city underscore the kids' lives as they collide with the reality that very few of them will actually ‘make it’ in show business. But as they fight through mid-terms, aching muscles, relationships, betrayals and triumphs…their journey ultimately takes them on a path of vulnerability, pain, joy, self-awareness and independence.
In Bring On Tomorrow Co’s large and dynamic cast, some of Vancouver’s top triple threats share the stage with many rising stars. Add a kick-ass live band, innovative staging and the explosive energy of the 80's, and audiences can expect an unforgettable theatre experience!
STARRING: Chris Adams (Nick Piazza), Michelle Bardach (Serena Katz), Lyndsey Britten (Iris Kelly), Gabriel Brown (Goodman King), Sharon Crandall (Miss Bell), Michelle Creber (Grace Lam), Erik Gow (Schlomo Metzenbaum), Chad Matchette (Mr. Sheinkopf), Hal Wesley Rogers (Tyrone Jackson), Dimitrios Andreas Stephanoy (Joe Vegas), Madeleine Suddaby (Mabel Washington), Jennifer Suratos (Miss Sherman), Scott Walters (Mr. Meyers), & Synthia Yusuf (Carmen Diaz), featuring Shona Reid & Natalie Sharp, along with Jesse Alvarez, Sean Anthony, Michael Arzadon, Ghislaine Doté, Joshua Lalisan, Kimberly Ma, Clarenz Mabalay, Erin Matchette, Morgan Mora, Ryan Nuñez, Colette Richardson, Allyson Riley, Sarah Smith, & Hannah Williams.